
My label post

books= book review
essays= essay

Lucky day♡

Today I slept late this morning!
I left home at 8 o'clock.
I live in Kosa town, it is far...
But there was no a traffic jam. So I can catch class!
Today is lucky day!


Butterflies in my stomach!!

I went to my boyfriend's house to see his dog.

I got nervous very much. Because I met his mother for the first time...

His dog is very cute!!

I can't talk to his mother very well...

I was tensed up...

I want to be get along very nicely with each other someday.



Today, I had a part-time job.
I am working at theater in shopping mall.
It was very very busy... I am very very tired...
There was a large number of people at theater.
Spider man3 will be released tomorrow. I think many many people come...


Thank you, mam!

Today, I went to camera's shop to buy digital camera.

I wanted to buy for summer vacation! I will go to America!! I'm looking forward to going there!!!

But I have no sense of machine...

I want to master my digital camera!